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Legal Framework for Electronic Games is sanctioned

The President of the Republic sanctioned, with vetoes, the Bill no. 2.796/2021, which establishes the Legal Framework for Electronic Games

In May 3, the President of the Republic sanctioned, with vetoes, the Bill no. 2.796/2021, which establishes the Legal Framework for Electronic Games (Law No. 14,852/24).

The new Law aims to regulate the manufacturing, import, trade, improvement and commercial use of electronic games, aiming to stimulate the business environment and contribute to the sustainable economic development of this sector.

The Legal Framework defines electronic games as the interactive audiovisual works developed as computer programs, the central device and dedicated accessories for playing electronic games, software used as mobile applications and/or internet pages, as well as console video games and games in various realities (including virtual, augmented, mixed or extended), which can be consumed through download or streaming.

The Legal Framework also defines the electronic game development companies and qualifies them to receive incentives through the Rouanet Law for the creation of professional education courses, vocational workshops, research incentives, among other initiatives related to electronic games.

Regarding the protection of children and adolescents, the legislation states that games targeted at this audience should always consider the interests of children and adolescents, adopting measures to mitigate risks that may violate their rights.

It is important to highlight that commercial promotion activities, regulated lottery modalities, or any games involving bets, random outcomes or forecasts, are not eligible to benefit from the advantages provided by the Law.

Finally, the Legal Framework also amended Law No. 8,313/1991, which deals with cultural incentives, and Law No. 9,279/1996, which addresses industrial property, aiming to provide recognition of electronic games by both legislations.

For more details on the Legal Framework for Electronic Games, contact the Media & Entertainment team at KLA.

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