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<p>The Supreme Federal Court determined the suspension of all criminal cases that were opened after the Public Prosecutor’s Office received tax and bank data from the Federal Revenue’s Office, the Central Bank of Brazil or the Financial Activities Control Council, without previous judicial authorization.</p>
<p>This decision does not apply to criminal proceedings opened after the receival of basic information, such as the identification of financial transactions and the total value of the transactions.</p>
<p>This decision was rendered in an appeal filed by MPF. The legality of the sharing of the bank and tax information without judicial authorization is expected to be judged on November 21<sup>st</sup>.</p>
<p>A decisão foi tomada em um Recurso Extraordinário (RE 1055941), cuja repercussão Geral já havia sido reconhecida pelo STF. Há previsão de que o caso venha a ser julgado em 21 de novembro deste ano.</p>
<p>							<a href=




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