

Came into force National Health Surveillance Agency’sthe RDC No. 237/2018, issued by the National Health Surveillance Agency (“ANVISA”), which establishes setting forth technical requirements for the regularization of personal hygiene products, cosmetics and perfumes (“HPPC” in the Portuguese acronym).

National Health Surveillance Agency (“ANVISA”) has been understood that HPPC products for children are considered of low sanitary risk by its own nature and the exemption of its registry follows a global tendency.

However, it is emphasized that the register exemption does not imply in the reduction of necessary technical requirements or manufacturer responsibility. On the contrary, the manufacturer must possess hold updated all the data and documents supporting the quality, safety and effectiveness supporting documents of its products in order toto comply with the legislation.

Products exempt from registry must be regularized in the ANVISA’s Cosmetic Products Automated System. Companies have until the end of the validity term of the current register to adjust to the new Resolution.
Insect repellents of child use and sunscreen for kids remains subjected to register before ANVISA.

Paulo Prado
Giovanni Sorbello






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