/>											</p>
<p>Last Wednesday, February 7, 2019, Minister Luiz Fux – ratifying a previous decision issued in December 12, 2019 – issued a new decision in the Direct Unconstitutionality Action – ADIN No. 5956, determining that all actions discussing the Minimum Freight Table, in every judicial instances of the country, are suspended. The decision meets the request of the Federal General Attorney , who pointed out first level decisions suspending the Minimum Freight Table, for instance, those decisions granted to the Brazilian Association of Soft Drinks and Non-Alcoholic Beverages (ABIR) and the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo (FIESP). In the above-mentioned decision, Minister Fux make it clear that the suspension encompasses any discussions related to Law 13703/2018, Provisional Measure 832/2018 and ANTT Resolution 5820/2018, as well as any other normative acts related to those norms.</p>
<p>The suspension is valid until final decision of the plenary of the Supreme Court.</p>
<p><strong>For further information, please contact:</strong></p>
<p><strong>– <a href=Paulo Prado
– Álvaro Lucasechi
– Juan Acosta






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