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Renata Foizer

Renata Foizer has been involved in Economic and Competition Law since 2006, serving as KLA’s extension in Brasília since 2013. She advises clients on Merger Control Agreements (ACs) and proceedings before CADE (Administrative Council for Economic Defense). She works alongside the Federal Supreme Court (STF), Superior Court of Justice (STJ), Regional Federal Courts (TRF), Federal Court of Accounts (TCU), Regulatory Agencies, Federal Revenue Service, SENACON, and other bodies of the Executive Branch.

Renata is a member of the Competition Defense Commission of OAB-DF (Brazilian Bar Association – Federal District Section).

Practice Areas

Antitrust and Competition Compliance and Investigation


• KLA, São Paulo, 2013
• Gianni Nunes Advogados, 2012-2013
• Advocacia José Del Chiaro, 2006-2012


• ATAME, Specialization in Family Law and Successions, 2014
• Instituto Processus, Specialization in Criminal Law, 2006
• Centro Universitário de Brasília (CEUB), Bachelor’s Degree in Law, 2005

Renata Foizer

Linkedin Profile

Renata Foizer has been involved in Economic and Competition Law since 2006, serving as KLA’s extension in Brasília since 2013. She advises clients on Merger Control Agreements (ACs) and proceedings before CADE (Administrative Council for Economic Defense). She works alongside the Federal Supreme Court (STF), Superior Court of Justice (STJ), Regional Federal Courts (TRF), Federal Court of Accounts (TCU), Regulatory Agencies, Federal Revenue Service, SENACON, and other bodies of the Executive Branch.

Renata is a member of the Competition Defense Commission of OAB-DF (Brazilian Bar Association – Federal District Section).

Antitrust and CompetitionCompliance and Investigation


Contact Information


• KLA, São Paulo, 2013
• Gianni Nunes Advogados, 2012-2013
• Advocacia José Del Chiaro, 2006-2012


• ATAME, Specialization in Family Law and Successions, 2014
• Instituto Processus, Specialization in Criminal Law, 2006
• Centro Universitário de Brasília (CEUB), Bachelor’s Degree in Law, 2005