Contact Information

Rayssa Mosti

Rayssa Mosti is a lawyer in the Tax Law team, focusing on client service related to tax planning and direct taxes. Holding a Master’s degree in Tax Law from FGV (Fundação Getúlio Vargas), she also has an MBA in Tax Management, a postgraduate degree in Tax Law, and a degree in Accounting.

Practice Areas



• KLA, São Paulo, 2023
• Mariz de Oliveira e Siqueira Campos Advogados, São Paulo, 2022-2023
• Lacaz Martins, Pereira Neto, Gurevich & Schoueri Advogados, São Paulo, 2014-2022
• Consulado da Bélgica, São Paulo, 2013-2014
• Justiça Federal da 3a. Região, São Paulo, 2013-2014


• FGV, Master’s Degree in Tax Law, 2024
• Trevisan, MBA in Tax Management, 2021
• IBMEC, Postgraduate Studies in Tax Law, 2020
• Mackenzie, Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting, 2018
• Mackenzie, Bachelor’s Degree in Law, 2015

Rayssa Mosti

Rayssa Mosti is a lawyer in the Tax Law team, focusing on client service related to tax planning and direct taxes. Holding a Master’s degree in Tax Law from FGV (Fundação Getúlio Vargas), she also has an MBA in Tax Management, a postgraduate degree in Tax Law, and a degree in Accounting.


Contact Information


• KLA, São Paulo, 2023
• Mariz de Oliveira e Siqueira Campos Advogados, São Paulo, 2022-2023
• Lacaz Martins, Pereira Neto, Gurevich & Schoueri Advogados, São Paulo, 2014-2022
• Consulado da Bélgica, São Paulo, 2013-2014
• Justiça Federal da 3a. Região, São Paulo, 2013-2014


• FGV, Master’s Degree in Tax Law, 2024
• Trevisan, MBA in Tax Management, 2021
• IBMEC, Postgraduate Studies in Tax Law, 2020
• Mackenzie, Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting, 2018
• Mackenzie, Bachelor’s Degree in Law, 2015