

The World Intellectual Property Organization (“WIPO”) recently received Brazil’s instrument of accession to the Madrid Protocol. The Madrid Protocol is an international treaty that facilitates the registration of trademarks in several member countries of the Protocol.
The Madrid Protocol allows trademark owners based in Brazil to request, through a single application, the protection of their trademarks in the 121-member countries of the Protocol. The Madrid Protocol also has benefits in terms of reducing bureaucracy and centralization of international registration procedures and the decrease of costs for applicants who have an interest in seeking the protection of their trademarks in member countries.
It is important to note that the analysis of each trademark application needs to comply with the laws in force in each member country indicated at the time of the filing, respecting their national sovereignties.
The Madrid Protocol will become effective in Brazil on October 2, 2019. The Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office is still drafting rules and regulations on the matter, which should be published in the coming months.

For additional information contact:

> Tania Liberman
> Vanessa Pirró
> Matheus Sturari







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