

The recently issued State Decree No. 63.296/2018  classifies the following activities as pollution sources for the purpose of environmental licensing procedure: (i) cattle culture breeding in confinement, (ii) poultry and (iii) pig farming.

There is also the provision that, depending on the company’s breeding capacity, the licensing procedure might be:

(i) waived through expedition of Livestock Activity Declaration of Conformity to the following cases:

a) cattle culture breeding in confinement with breeding capacity equal or less than 5.000 individuals;

b) poultry activity with breeding capacity equal or less than 200.000 individuals; and

c) pig farming activity with breeding capacity equal or less than 500 individuals.

(ii) simplified environmental licensing; or

(iii) trough ordinary licensing.

Decree has entered in force on March 21, 2018.

For further information, please contact:

Vanessa Tafla

Paulo Prado

Juan Acosta







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