On Thursday (27), Chambers and Partners released the result of the guide “Chambers Brazil: Transactional 2022”. The lawyers Karin Alvo, Patrícia Braga, Henrique Lopes, Victor Polizelli, Álvaro Lucasechi, Pedro Cortez, Tomaz Matheus and Carla Fernandes were ranked, as well as the areas of Corporate and M&A, Tax Law, Real Estate and Education of KLA.

Check out KLA’s ranked areas and lawyer below:

Corporate/ M&A (Highly Regarded – Band 1)

Karin Alvo – Band 3
Patrícia Braga – Up and Coming

Tax: Non-contentious (Highly Regarded – Band 1)

Henrique Lopes – Band 3
Victor Polizelli – Band 4
Álvaro Lucasechi – Up and Coming

Real Estate (Band 3)

Pedro Cortez – Senior Statespeople
Tomaz Matheus – Up and Coming
Carla Fernandes – Associates to watch

Education (Band 3)

Check out the full result here.

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